Graduation is the peak season of harvest among schools, whether it is a big or small school. It is the time where we can hear and see the accomplishments being reached in which most of them can be a project of the school, the community, the local or the provincial government who really find ways and means to meet the needs of every school.
Calungusan Elementary School in Orion was one of the most fortunate this year as what can be seen in the school now and as being reported by the hardworking and dedicated head teacher, Mrs. Irene B. Angeles during the closing ceremony last March 18, 2013.
A newly erected waiting shed just inside the main gate was a project through the effort of the very supportive PTA Officers headed by Mrs. Marjory Catalan. This is a big help for the schoolers and parents especially during rainy season. Another one is the newly rise building for the pre-elementary children which was built through the help of the provincial government. This really caters to the needs of the kids primarily for the conducive environment in learning. The school also have the newly built comfort rooms just behind the Grade IV room. This will serve as additional CR’s aside from those inside the classrooms.
An accomplishment in terms of academics was not to be left behind. This year the school had competed up to Regional Level in Editorial Cartooning through our pride, John Jobert Cortez who made it to the top in the Division and District level competition. Moreover, we also have another jewels in the person of Elisha Myca Baltazar, and Carl Joshua Macarista as they won First Place in Sportswritng – Filipino and News Writing- Filipino respectively. Rayajen Singh who brought home the bacon in Mathematics for the District Level is another jewel.
It was also good to hear that there was no non-reader among the pupils proving that the school is really soaring high in all areas. The school owe all these things to our dependable sponsors just mentioned above.
By: Edilina P. Enriquez | Teacher III | Calungusan Elementary School | Orion, Bataan