G – ood health depends on the right food, right amount and at the right time.
O – verweight is also malnutrition.
O – besity is rising fast because of eating in fast foods. Prepare meals at home specially with fruits, fish and vegetables.
D – iet and exercise make us healthy and wise.
N – utritious foods can help build our body strong and healthy
U – rinary tract health promotes memory functions in eating grapes and other blue and purple colored fruits and vegetables.
T – ry to eat fruits at snack and not junk food.
R – ed vegetables and fruits like tomatoes, red pepper, apples sustain memory function.
I – ntake of fresh fruit juices promotes vision, strong bones and teeth
T – ale 1.5 liters of water a day helps the body break down and absorb nutrients and minerals
I – mportant meal is breakfast to cope with our activities in a day
O – aths and other cereal grains, maintain heart health and good cholesterol levels
N – utrition is important as Good Health is more than any Wealth in the world.
By: Carmencita Bautista | Teacher II | Mariveles National High School | Mariveles, Bataan