Here are some ideas which you can consider in improving your finance skills.1. Spend money wisely. Buy only what is necessary. What you need, and not what you want.2. Understand how money earned and live beyond your means.3. Respect money. Learn how to save for the future.4. Appreciate money change no matter how small.5. Budget your money for your expenses, so that both ends meet.6. Do not be impulsive when you want to buy things, think twice, and ask yourself. Do I need it? Is it necessary?7. Save money and deposit in the bank for long term purpose.8. Be an entrepreneur. Invest money in business no matter how small it is, it will add income to augment the needs of the family.These simple steps will help you establish good habits of handling money wisely.

By: Carmencita Bautista | Teacher II | Mariveles National High School | Mariveles, Bataan

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