For learning to take place, the learner must be effectively and positively involve in the process.
Classroom learning requires students to pay attention, observe, memorize, understand, set goals and assume responsibility for their own learning.  Teachers must help students become active and goal-oriented by encouraging them to work on their natural desire understand and master new things.
In class therefore, teachers ought to:1. Create interesting and challenging learning environments that encourage the active participation of students.2.  Avoid situations where students just listen passively for long periods of time.3.  Provide students with hands-on activities, such as experiments, observations and projects.4.  Encourage participation in classroom discussions and other group activities.5.  Organize school visits to museums and science parks.  Social activity and participation begin early on in life.  Learning is primarily a social activity so taking part in school activities is important to learning.

By: Arcele F. Servera | Teacher III | Mariveles National High School – Cabcaben | Marivele, Bataan

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