One of the subjects that scares students when they hear it is physics. However, why? Why do students find physics so intimidating? Physics is one of the branches of science in which we can easily see its application in the world around us. For example, physics can explain why the rides we ride at the carnival make sense. Physics can explain the camera manipulations we see in action movies, particularly when guns are involved. Physics can explain why, when we are in a vehicle, our bodies suddenly move when the vehicle stops and why the air conditioner can cause a room to become colder. As physics is used in so many things and has so many applications, it is a fascinating subject to teach. But why doesn’t the student recognize that physics is fun?

According to the article written by Rana Prathap, there are several methods to enhance students’ enjoyment of physics classes:

1: Use real-world examples.

Applying the subject to the students’ everyday activities is one aspect of lesson planning. Make sure to highlight the wonders of physics in this section. The laws of motion, for instance, can be understood by driving a car; thermodynamics can be understood by air conditioning; and projectile motion can be understood by participating in sports like volleyball.

  2.   Integrate physics into other subjects.

Since physics is all around us, we use other subjects to explain more about the application of physics. Using this technique can help struggling students learn more using the language of other subject matter. For example, prove the relationship between mass, velocity, and momentum using mathematical equations.

  3.   Collaborate with peers.

Students who collaborate with one another can have a greater understanding of the lesson. When classmates describe the lesson based on their own understanding, other students are better able to comprehend the idea. Group exercises might assist students in understanding some challenging lessons.

Carliza Jane M. Oguira|Teacher II| Bataan National High School- JHS|Balanga City,Bataan
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