Online gaming has grown in popularity in recent years and is now a common past time for students all around the world. The appeal of virtual realms has drawn in a lot of players, from the huge landscapes of massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) to the immersive worlds of multiplayer online battle arenas (MOBAs). Nevertheless, a less talked-about side exists amid the excitement of rivalry and friendship: the risks that kids may face when they play online video games.
Even though playing video games can help with stress reduction, cognitive stimulation, and social connection, playing them too often can negatively impact a student’s academic standing, physical health, and general well-being.

Potential for interfering with academic achievement is one of the biggest drawbacks of internet gaming for students. The tendency to become compulsive about video games might result in playing them for extended periods of time, frequently at the price of extracurricular activities, studying, or finishing homework. Students could consequently suffer from a drop in their grades, forgetting assignments, and being distracted in class. According to Garcia, K., Jarabe, N., & Paragas, J. (2018). (Negative Effects of Online Games on Academic Performance) students’ performance on homework, tests, quizzes, class recitations, and papers was somewhat negatively impacted by playing online games.

In addition, the mental challenges posed by gaming, such strategic thinking and problem-solving, could give children a false sense of productivity and make them think they are mentally working out. But even though playing video games can increase some cognitive abilities, it doesn’t always result in better scholastic achievement in every topic.

Students who play video games and spend a lot of time in front of screens may develop several physical health problems. Extended periods of inactivity are linked to a higher risk of obesity, cardiovascular issues, and musculoskeletal diseases. Additionally, long hours spent using a keyboard, mouse, or joystick by passionate gamers sometimes result in bad posture and repetitive strain ailments like carpal tunnel syndrome.

Additionally, since students may play late into the night, excessive gaming is sometimes accompanied by poor sleep patterns. This may result in sleep deprivation, which has negative effects on mood and cognitive function in addition to making it difficult to focus and remember material in class. Zakaria, Anis Shahirah and Adnan, Wardatul Hayat (2022). Online gaming can help kids collaborate and engage with others, but it can also have detrimental effects on their mental and social health. Overindulgence in gaming might cause students to become socially isolated because they value virtual interactions more than in-person friendships and family ties. This seclusion can worsen emotions of worry, melancholy, and loneliness, especially if students have trouble making friends outside of the gaming group.

Furthermore, this may have an impact on students’ conduct and relationships both within and outside of the classroom in real-world interactions such as violent behavior, social isolation, detrimental effects on physical and mental health (Abbas, Aman, & Nurunnabi, 2019).

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