Even in the older times, the Teaching Profession has been regarded with highest respect among the highly respected professions. Thus, banking on the premise…” there will be no other profession born, without the valuable aide of the heroes and heroines of the four corners of the classrooms…The Teachers themselves!

      Over the years, both of us had witnessed the changing face of the teaching world.

Your perspective as a parent and observer.

Me, as a teacher and as a parent as well, with candidness, I feel proud to admit that my being in this teaching arena gave me a colossal of provisions for my family.

The teaching profession also honed me to become a responsible and committed Filipino citizen, minding my obligation, to help and support my country’s dream for its people, to live peacefully and at par with other nations.

      Upon each night as I rest my tired body on my bed, a mixture of feelings and thoughts usually creeps on my being. Most of the time, there’s joy.

Thanking the Lord for the chances of inspiring my students when I was able to satisfy their hunger for knowledge. Hooray! for me!

For giving hope for my students who are losing their trust on their worth as learners.
For patting their shoulders and assuring them that, they most blessed that others out there.

For continuously opening their eyes to give another glance to see that life is beautiful despite its oddities.

All one should do is to follow the right path which life offers to make things better!

For acting as their comforter and adviser when they struggle in their studies, in their young love life, in their friendships and worst in their family.

For laughing with them I times of their happiness.

For rejoicing with them in times of their triumphs.

For assuring them how the Lord loves them all endlessly.

      All of these are just some of the bits and pieces of my perks as a teacher, yes… a proud teacher!

As I slowly close my eyes to sleep, my lips are saying, Lord thank you! So much for all the chances you keep on giving me each day to sport a loving, caring, comforting, rejoicing and hopeful heart in pondering skills and building lives of my learners.

Thank you, Lord, for making me “The Teacher that I am.”

Committed to serve the teaching profession till my last breath.

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