The internet is a global network of networks that connect millions of computers and computer users. Its vast reach and dynamic feeding of information is a great source of learning for many students and educators. The internet’s rapid growth and dynamic nature has been a factor for research among many educators on how to utilize it in the education process.
Researches show many strengths and weaknesses of using the internet in classroom instruction. There is strong evidence, however, that it can provide a wide array of valuable aids to education. For one, students depend on the internet nowadays in researching for assignments and school paper. The internet is the first choice for finding resources and answers to their queries. The loophole, however, is the way the students make use of it. They usually just copy and paste the article which is a big taboo in copyright principles and in their learning. 
When a student just copy and paste an article from the web just to finish his assignment, he or she will not learn anything. The purpose of using the internet just for reference is diminished and the student becomes lazy in studying and learning the lesson being presented in the assignment or project. This results to a student depending on the internet without really learning anything.
On the other hand, the internet can be a great source of education aid materials inside the classroom. The problem with this is if the school has access to the internet. Some private schools, universities, and colleges may have but with public elementary and secondary schools, this could be a big problem. 
When a school has internet access, the internet can provide many classroom-related topics which are not accessible in other media such as textbooks, reference materials, library, and teacher knowledge. Imagine if the class has easy access to millions of fresh information on the internet, learning and studying can be made more dynamic, simpler, and more technological.
The students can be at par with world class learning, updated information, and trending news and topics. Utilized properly, teachers can maximize the time used for teaching without compromising quality. Instead, they can even share and teach more to students as they use the internet resources in real time. 
Properly managed internet time inside the classroom and inside the campus premises, the use of internet can prove more beneficial to both teachers and students. Tests and assessment of student learning can also be done via the internet. This can help in improving assessment tools, too. 
Also, teacher-student conferences can be done via the internet. This aids in improving communication skills of students particularly in writing since they are expected to answer questions and ask queries regarding a specific subject matter. In general, communicating via the internet enhances students’ skills in socializing, communicating, and learning other cultures. Thus, utilized properly, the internet is indeed a great educational tool for improving education among students and a huge help for teachers to further improve their teaching resources and instruments.

By: Lani G. Licup | Teacher III | Sta. Rosa Elementary School | Pilar, Bataan

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