Dear Student,
How are you? I have been wondering how life treated you after the graduation. I hope that you are doing well and just fine. Maybe you have forgotten about me already or still remembered me somehow. There’s one reason that I can think of why you can do both – you hated me during your schooldays. As you are reading this letter, there are some flashbacks at the back of your mind that will remind you of me. Let me say my sorry and do the honor to reminisce the past.
Sorry if I raised my voice sometimes on you every time you came late in the class. I didn’t want you to miss the lesson for the day. Sorry, if I unintentionally embarrassed you in front of your classmates if you got the wrong answer. I thought it would challenge you more. Sorry if you were punished by your parents every time I call their attention when you committed some petty school-related crime. I wanted them to know what you are going through. Sorry if I brought you to the Guidance Office when you were in trouble. I didn’t want you to go astray. Sorry if I told you to “keep quiet’ when you are noisy. You and you’re classmate won’t be able to hear and understand our lesson. Sorry if I didn’t pay attention to your problems at home. I want you to stop thinking about your problems at home when you should be learning. Sorry if I frowned at you most of the time. I have too many responsibilities for your other classmates to be taken care of that I forgot to smile. Sorry if I didn’t record your scores when I caught you cheating in the exam. I wanted you to strive hard to learn and not to depend on others. Sorry if I put you in a detention room if when you misbehaved. I wanted you to be a good citizen. Sorry if I bore you sometimes with my lessons. You were born in 21st century while I am not.
There might be some events in the past that I can’t reiterate to you. I wasn’t angry at you for personal reason. I wanted you to learn, to grow, to develop your full potential as a student. I wanted to see you successful someday. I wanted you to be a responsible member of the society. I am not saying these to excuse myself for my entire shortcoming as your mentor. You were not the “teacher’s enemy no.1” but it was all the things that you did in the past.
I will be happy to hear that life is treating you well. Hope to hear from you soon.
Teacher X
P.S. I will be very disappointed if your life didn’t turn out well. That’s the time I will say sorry to myself.
By: Ms. Mildred V.Nichols | Teacher II | Mariveles National High School- Poblacion