It’s very easy to say “I’m a responsible student!” But what really constitutes a responsible one? Here are some of his/her attributes… Try to find out if you are one ….
A-lways comes to school.
B-egins each day with a prayer.
C-ourteous at all times.
D-edicated in pursuing his goals in life.
E-ngages in co-curricular activities.
F-acilitates peer teaching.
G-ives support to classmates with difficulty in studying.
H-atred is not on his mind.
I-nterested in all class activities.
J-oins in group study and other class activity.
K-eeps records of all the day’s activities.
L-ives life to the fullest.
M-anages his time well.
N-ever shows any hesitation in joining contests.
O-ffers his heart, soul and mind to everyone.
P-ractices good study habits.
Q-uts from doing nonsense actions.
R-esearches on innovative materials.
S-tays fit and healthy.
T-rusts God as the greatest teacher.
U-ses his skills and talents in making people happy.
V-isits libraries, museums and other educational places.
W-atch out for other opportunities to succeed.
X-erox every material needed in school and study them.
Y-earns for success. Do the best he can.
Z-ooms in worthwhile and educational activities.
By: Catherine E. Nangitngitan | Teacher II | Luz Elem. School Limay Bataan