In the present generation, the world is truly blessed with the modern means of communication. Computers, internet, cellular phones and other modern gadgets aid in transmitting knowledge and ideas.
People must realize of education. Undoubtedly, this modern means speed up the accumulation of information.
On the part of the teacher, internet is very much useful. Researching more innovative ways and strategies to update his teaching method would be possible through the internet
Computers can create programs like the power point presentation which could make the teaching style be more productive and enticing to learners.
Cellular phones now have dictionaries that could provide information about the various words used in the usual classroom discussion. The Wi-Fi system incredibly connects teachers to the net that could avail of information from different topics and subjects. In addition, the modern touch screen I pods can be useful storage of knowledge that can be easily manipulated.
Students. On the other hand, can easily research from the internet regarding the assignments and projects given by their respective teachers. In just a few minutes or minimum time, answers can be immediately searched. Also, the time and money can be minimized through this way.
Also, through the modern technology, all the documents and transactions concerning education can be easily made and transmitted. The lesson plans, methods and strategies, graphic arts, classroom and school forms can easily accessed. Also, communications of the people in the Academe can be done through e-mail.
Truly, the wonders of modern technology helps education.
By: Judith D. Poblete | Teacher III | Sta. Isabel Elementary School | DInalupihan, Bataan