We all must suffer in one of two pains-one from discipline and one from regret. The only difference is that discipline weighs ounces and regret weighs tons.
Climate Change,the most tragic event that has been happening nowadays. There is no doubt that it has created a huge impact here in Bataan. We all know that Bataan is well known in the abundance of rice, fish, and mangoes. But due to the certain circumstances, the number of harvest tends to get lower and lower each year.
Traces of evidences can be seen clearly today due to the unpredictable weather that causes the fishes in the sea to migrate, heavy rains that flood the rice fields, and the strong winds that make the mangoes fall off their branches lowers the total income of Bataan. But these are not only the things to be bothered of. There are a lot more. Landslides, flash floods, Typhoon, Tsunami, and many more are to be worried about all because of these destructive human activities. Others say that this is a global catastrophe. But what is puzzling is why it appears that not everyone is taking it very seriously?
Remember the hailstorm here in Bataan last September 16, 2009. When it was raining ice all over and was accompanied by rough winds that has caused the trees to collapse, the breakage of the power lines and houses. This should serve as a wake-up call to each and every Bataeño. Furthermore, these greenhouse gas emmisions that contributes to ozone depletion and leads to climate change must be stopped
In our view, there is an urgent need for us to take up this issue personally and see it through. We must break through the barrier of ignorance and must practice greater public awareness and understanding of the issues. We must focus primarily on the prevention rather than the controlling of our greenhouse gas emmisions.
A big applause for those citizens of Bataan who are making movements in protecting our environment. The Young Environmentalist Society of Orion(YES-O)who gives their relentless effort in bringing back the beauty of nature, the Greenpiece Theater who gives awareness on what really is happening today with the use of acting skills, and many more.
In conclusion, discipline among one’s self is needed. Let us try to be nature friendly in everything we do. After all the nurturing that nature has done for us, why not make it up to them? We must not wait for nature to take its revenge on us. It is said that there are two ways of spreading light- to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. We all must start from ourselves in making this small step for the love of nature that makes a big difference for mankind.
The future lies in our hands.
By: Mrs. Zulita I. Villones