A professional teacher reflects his capacity to teach with full confidence and competence, his being creative, his deep concern for genuine learning , his ability to encourage his learners to be active in the class and his attitude towards work and towards himself. The concern of most school head today is the lack of clarity of purpose of newly hired teachers, also, their being unprepared in class.
Professional teachers elicit the right attitude at work whether the boss is around or not because their primary concern is the welfare of their pupils and the improvement of teaching-learning condition in school. The use of the right strategy and method in teaching is also one of his priority to attain his goal, thus, he is never tired of doing research work to improve himself. A professional teacher also come to school on time, is able to do an extra-mile at work, build strong relationships with his peers and superiors, with positive outlook in life
and is not tired of dealing with the individual differences of his pupil.
Professional teachers are not man pleasers…they are doing their work not for salary sake or to win favor from anybody, they are doing their job because they love doing it and because of their innate love to their learners.
By: Mrs. Alma V. Signio-Teacher III | Abucay North Elem. School-Abucay District