Bullying is committed when student commits an act or series of acts directed towards several students in a school setting or place of learning, which results in physical and mental abuse, harassment, intimidation or humiliation. Who are the victims of this bullying? How can a person be affected by this act?
Regardless of age, indeed the individuals behavior is greatly affected. Humiliating words thrown to a person usually provoke quarrel and hatred. And worst it may cause inferiority complex which eventually lead to a person’s failure because he is over whelmed with fear to face the consequences of life.
Since he lacked confidence he had no courage to use his intellectual capacity. And how can a person accomplish a common goal. If a negative attitude exist in whatever he is doing.
Prior to this people around him such as parents, teachers, and even their elders should be aware about the problems that keep on bothering them. So proper guidance and moral support should be given to them. Given a chance, this will finally strengthen the individual’s ability and self-esteem.
He therefore can attain emotional stability. Courage will prevail within him. This will serve as a key for him to be firm enough and ready to face the challenges no matter how hard it maybe.
By: Verginia Pabustan | Teacher I | Bakong Elementary School | Limay, Bataan