How do the most effective teachers…
•    manage behavior in their multi-ethnic, multi-cultural classrooms?
•    develop and use classroom rules and routines?
•    use classroom consequences that work?
•    design positive behavioral supports for challenging behaviors?
•    avoid career- and health-threatening frustration and burnout?

The establishment and maintenance of safe and supportive classrooms that contribute to high quality student achievement are critical skills that are rarely taught at the university. Consequently, those skills must be crafted and honed “on the job.” Each school and each classroom presents its own unique challenges, and because every year brings a new group of students, teachers must become lifelong learners.
The foundation of this learning lies in just a few research-supported principles and actions, and the Melissa Institute for Violence Prevention and Treatment have condensed the information for ready consumption.
Everything starts with TEACH:
T –     Tailor for diversity. Make it a point to know as much as possible about your students, including their diverse cultural, ethnic, behavioral, and learning characteristics, along with stressors they may experience outside of school.
E –     Encourage positive behavior. Aim for a 4:1 ratio of positive comments to negative corrections for all the students.
A –     Arrange the environment for success.  Teach your behavioral expectations directly and immediately through collaboratively-established classroom rules and well designed classroom routines.
C –     Consult your peers. Seek collaboration with experienced teachers and specialists before difficult problems start to become entrenched.
H –     Hug yourself. Prevent stress and burnout by focusing each day on what you are accomplishing and not just on what is frustrating.
To help you implement the TEACH guideline, the next section that elaborates, clarifies, and expands on these five essential principles.  They are divided into three segments.
•    The Needs of All the Students – The essentials for every student in every classroom

•    The Needs of More Challenging Students – Managing challenging behavior effectively

•    The Needs of the Teacher – Securing professional support and managing stress Classroom Behaviour Management

By: Lourdes D. Martinez | Teacher I | Carbon Elementary School | Limay, Bataan

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