Mary’s mother was having a party. So, she had taken her fine crystals from the cupboard, the only valuable material her mother owned.
In her rush to get things ready for her guests, Mary’s mother said to her young daughter, “ Would you please find some place that’s not underfoot?”
So , Mary crawled underneath the table. Unfortunately , she kicked the leg of the table and the crystal crashed to the floor. The crystal exploded like shrapnel. She had destroyed the most elegant thing her mother possessed. “ I’m so sorry,” the little girl sobbed. Her mother hugged her and whispered “Don’t cry,honey, You are far more valuable to me than those crystals.”
Children are indeed our most valuable possessions and as teachers we are indeed like a mother in rearing her children. We play the role of the surrogate parent, the locus parentis. In so doing, they, as our clienteles deserve to be treated with utmost care and perseverance. They ought to be paid attention and care, and we can do this by checking our own performance, not only in the classroom management , but as well as in all aspects of learning. And this is a tall call that everyone must heed.
One way of safeguarding and analyzing how the teacher performs his or her duties the Competency Based Performance Appraisal System for Teachers (CB PAST) is the most relevant answer to this call. As the name suggests, it is a process wherein teachers’ performances are appraised or assessed through various criteria that will gauge how they perform in a particular time of the year or the entire school year. Because of this, teachers need to make the teaching –learning environment more concrete and more inspiring . In every competency, teachers must have a portfolio wherein the pieces of evidence are documented and recorded. Truly, this a real measurement how the teacher of the 21st century get involved in the success of a learner and at the end we can proudly say that our own students can be considered as global or world class.
The introduction of the CB PAST by the Department of Education (DepEd) as a form of appraising teacher’s performance seems to be an unwelcome move for the teachers at first, because of so many apprehensions. First, they think that the so many things that they will prepare will be an additional burden that they will hurdle; second, many are so skeptical that the school heads might play favoritism in appraising teachers’ performance; and third additional time needed for the preparation of the other materials will lessen their actual teaching time; as a result, budget of teaching time will be affected not to mention .the actual doc umentation time
Analyzing it deeply, teachers realized that they will be an effective and efficient teacher if the things contained in the CB PAST will be religiously performed by them for the students’ welfare and progress and for a very outstanding and excellent performance. Of course, with the help and guidance of the school head, backed up by seminars regarding CB PAST everything will be smooth-sailing.
By: MRS. CLEOPATRA B. MANALO | Master Teacher ll | Morong National High School