Computer and Internet nowadays are becoming formation. It is important to guide them not only on the usefulness but also against the danger in the use of technology. Online friends for example could be dangerous acts. Anyone can identify himself as a friend at first and later do harm to any child who can be persuaded to physically meet each others. Telling children on how to refrain from potentials dangers like in known contacts requesting for account numbers, cell phone numbers, addresses or other personal information is very important while asking internet.
Computer itself can be a vast tool for unlimited source of knowledge that only child could only easily learn like alphabet, improper education would tend kids to learn the wrong ways. A guideline must be developed as integral part of education to teach children on how to deal with modern technologies, effectively and righteously, since subject like computer already within the easier but require necessary precautions. Teachers and parents play on important role in today’s fast going trend I high tech communication such as internet.
By: Mrs. Dalisay E. Paguio | TII-Pablo Roman National High School | Pilar, Bataan