Everybody is allured by stories, be it fact or fiction. Often than not, stories make students more attentive while savoring the latest news that they have first known from their teacher. Most enjoy stories that they can relate to, since common situations are presented. Stories can simplify events especially when characters can portray heroes that they could be. Simple as it is; it entails a lot of preparation. There are five “R’s” to follow in making a story. These are:1. RESEARCH – Every sentence and descriptions you use have a basis from what you have gathered from books, search engines from the internet and from daily situations in life.2. RELIABILITY – Situations written are consistent as to how it functions, its form and processes. Students will be able to understand and have a clearer look at the characters in a way that they are presented as based from the research. Unlocking difficulties could be listed and discussed by the teacher after the creative story was read.3. REASONABLE – When characters are placed in a particular area in the story, it should be supported by its actuality. Names may be given to characters.4. REANIMATE – Allow movement. Put the characters in a realm that they could talk, walk, dance, express themselves and have feelings. 5. READABLE – Use simple words. If you cannot stay away from substitution, give a brief explanation, flash back or description of the term you used.Here is an original story of the Cytosol, a part of the cell.  This is how Creative Writing could simplify ideas on structure and function.
In a faraway place in Cellandia, called Leevercel, There is a small village named Cytoplasmland.There is an unusual crowding of inhabitants called organelles in the place. Fifty-four percent of the area is occupied by the Cytosol family, the only one of its kind. To date, the Cytosol family was already around when Cytoplasmland was created before the photosynthetic fashion of introducing oxygen to the atmosphere was the trend.  The Cytosol Family, founded by the patriarch Cyto and the matriarch Sol, heads a wide range of transport vessels. Other organizations like www.cellsalive.com say that the vessels are like soup, but these are not true because these transport vessels are made of very high quality of an aqueous gel of large and small well organized molecule concentrations occupying a compartmentalized area of Cytoplasmland. The range of occupancy excludes ER (Endoplasmic Reticulum) Subdivision and Mitochondria Heights. Since they are the biggest family, they monopolized the transport business working together, going places together and helping each other. They never had time to fight because they are really close to each other! The clan moved on for many years with the smell of success all around their place. Then came Cytos. He is a great great great grandson of patriarch Cyto. He is the favorite so he was given the business that he handled so well. He accepts many kinds of transactions. Because he was young and adventurous, he could not help himself if at one time allowed the transport of substances that made the organelles go berserk and made Cellandia in chaos. He was shocked but the invasion occurred rapidly. With wings at his feet, he started to work. He dialed 7007 and was just fortunate that Lysosome & Co.  Security Agency was around to clean the mess. The heart of Cellandia – Flow of chemical reactions, was brought to their designated regions. Breakdown of nutrient molecules were transported to disaster areas where there was famine. Cellandia collapsed but the Cytoskeleton Building Co. – a franchise of the Cytosol family was there to build the village. He was so ashamed of himself but found consolation in his ability to bring normality back. The place was getting crowded; organelles were back on their feet again. Then all of a sudden, Cytos had the gut feeling to turn around, look at a distance and saw a beautiful petite miss. These “Misses” were scattered since the start but it was this particular miss that caught his attention. His heart beats fast as he ran as fast and offered his love for her. He didn’t even bother to know her name. She was Ribi Bosome. Tiny as she is, she was overwhelmed with the love of Cytos so she consented to his feelings for her. Ribi Bosome owns a Protein Manufacturing Agency. She wants to have a business partner to help her in the screening and sorting of proteins to be delivered to specific organelles. Cytos was the one for this because he knew everyone in Cellandia. Proteins that were manufactured by Ribi Bosome directly enters the organelle with the help of Cytos. He checks their coded passports and it should tally with the code according to the Book of Amino Acids before they are welcomed and readily dispatched to the specific address label particular only to their amino acid sequence. Their transport business progressed. The synthesis of virtually all proteins in Cellandia begins with Ribbi Bosome and transported by Cytos. Their Protein Manufacturing Agency branched out to another area. This is where Cytos learned the intricacies of being a courier to Mr. Pyruvate to reach Mitochondria Heights ( a difficult area to get in) during Glycolysis Initiation. What is amazing of the Cytosol Clan is their ability to operate without interference from reactions because they are enclosed in a plasma membrane, divided by an internal membrane- enclosed in compartment where enzymes can work without hindrances.Ribi Bosome went with the trend of overpopulation and was surprised with the overproduction of proteins. These proteins were not accepted by the organelles because they do not have the particular amino acid needed as the code for their entry to the organelles. This was the dilemma of Cytos. No matter how rigorous he looked at the Book of Amino Acids, he could not find it. The result was the adoption of these proteins to become permanent residents of the Cytosol Clan. As always, it started to rain a concentration of soluble molecules and increased within the clan. Osmotic Build Up, an enemy is at the gates of Cellandia. Flooding of the area occurred. The other organelles and Cellandia officials only helped minimally. It was again the franchise Cytoskeleton Building Co. was used to counteract Osmotic Pressure enemy. There was celebration for a week. Everybody was happy and contented. Whenever one thinks not of himself but of his fellowmen, success and good fortune follows. There are only a few who posses these characteristics nowadays. Coordination in work, cooperation, honesty and good heart make a beautiful place to live in.

By: MARIA KATHERINE C. RIVERO | Head Teacher III Science | Limay National High School | Limay, Bataan

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