Typhoon …. Flashfloods….Disastrous event that might struck in just one click of a finger. How prepared are we?
La Nina is here. The latest PAGASA bulletin is the coming of of La Nina phenomenon. It is caused by abnormal cooling of surface temperature in tha Pacific Ocean that started in June 2012 and likely to continue until it had persisted and reached rge La Nina treshhold which is usually the opposite of El Nino’s.
So it is advisable for people to take some precautionary measures before bad weather strikes to avoid the effect of the weather phenomenon which causes floods, flashfloods and landslides is hazard in prone areas especially. It is important that public stays alert about advisories and knows the steps to take before and after a disaster occurs.
There are some preparation tips which includes the following :
Store emergency kits at home and work with a radio, flashlight, extra batteries, first aid kit, bottled water three day of non perishable goods and drinking water.
Stay out of the way of low lying areas during times of heavy rains
Establish an out of area contact for family member to call in case the local phone systems should be out of service.
Keep the compile of home inventory and furniture in a safe deposit box or other safe location away from home or put them on upper floors where they will be safer from flood waters.
The need for extreme weather awareness for example, that can endanger people’s lives and property still considered to be the most important preparation before devastating rains, floods and winds that would threaten the country.
By: Agnes M. Fajardo, Teacher III Casupanan Elem. School