Preventing Misbehavior is an important part of successful behavior management using prevention strategies can reduce problems and create a healthy  environment. This allows children become more successful confident and happy.


First, lest just look at the possible causes or reasons for misbehavior. Some of the possible reasons for misbehavior are:


  1. 1. Boredom – maybe the child is not interested in the activity.
  2. 2. Unmet Physical Needs – The teacher should see if the child is tired, hungry or sick.
  3. 3. Inappropriate Environment – See if the environment set up is easy to children to behave.
  4. 4. Unclear Rules – See if the child knows how he is expected to behave.
  5. 5. Inappropriate expectations for the developmental stage of the child see of the child is expected to do activities or follow rules that he is too young or old to follow.
  6. 6. Unmeet Emotional Needs – See if the child’s feeling are respectful or if the child receive enough guidance from adults or if the child feels capable.
  7. 7. Situation – See if the child is simply responding to an incident that just happened.
  8. 8. Family Dynamics – See if the child’s behavior is a reflection of the way he treated at home.
  9. 9. Difference in Temperament – if the child’s behavior is a result of a temperamental trait



There are different strategies when disciplining your child. Be firm and kind. Being fair is meaning what you say it means using a calm tone to let children know that you are serious about what you want them to do.


Its very effective if used consistently.


How to use this strategy:


When you do not want to give children choices, avoid asking them to do things.

ex. Do not say Ana, can you wipe the windows. Instead say “Ana, please wipe the windows.


Discipline is not the same as punishment instead, discipline has to do more with discipline and involves teaching your right from wrong, how to respect the rights of others, which behaviors are acceptable and which are not.


If you are having difficulty disciplining your pupils, it is important to remember that you may not be doing anything wrong, all children are different and have different temperaments and developmental levels and a style of discipline that may work with other children may not work with yours.


Be consistent in your methods of discipline.


There are important reminders about discipline.


  1. 1. Stay calm
  2. 2. Avoid too much criticism
  3. 3. Don’t focus on negatives
  4. 4. Avoid too much praise
  5. 5. Avoid physical punishment

Give rewards

By: MS. VIVIAN S. PIZARRO | Orion Elementary School, Orion, Bataan

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