Effective reinforcement in the classroom are those that are simple and yet very meaningful ones. They are just simple because they don’t require much effort on the part of the teacher.
The gentle way of uttering “Good” or “Very Good” do really has a great positive effect on pupils. What really important is to make them feel and see that they are well-appreciated. These serve as a great motivation for all of them.
Classroom reinforcements, even simple but really sincerely coming from the teachers were really worthwhile. Executing such was not hard if we, teachers have the drive and intention to help in the development of an effective learner.
Inside the classroom, we may observe verbal reinforcement and non-verbal reinforcement. Verbal reinforcement, by simply saying “Job well done.” or “You learned a lot.” have great effects on pupils. They will feel that their hardships in studies are being fruitful through these, they may proudly say that “I really made it.”
While non-verbal reinforcement, even the simple gestures of hand shaking or clapping of hands, or even a sweet smile for every successful activity really matter most on the pupils. There are times that teachers are taking the part of the parents. We do play a big role on our pupils.
As a teacher, we are the motivator, model and second parent to our pupils. we are all aiming to guide them for the better.
By: Ms. Shirley M. Reyes | Teacher I | Abucay North Elementary School