One of the greatest problems facing humanity is poverty, a challenge persisting since the Earth’s inception. Adam, tasked with cultivating the land, and the Indians with their caste system, including slaves, exemplify historical manifestations of poverty. Even in the Bible, a widowed woman is portrayed as a symbol of poverty.
The undeniable existence of poverty persists despite significant leaps in science and technology over thousands of years, with advancements in medicine contributing to increased life expectancy. However, there’s a notable lack of institutions dedicated to addressing the persistent issue of poverty.
According to data from the Asia Development Bank in 2021, 18.1% of the population lives below the poverty line, approximately 21 million people. Additionally, 2.2% of employed individuals have a daily purchasing capacity of only $1.90, affecting around 2.5 million workers. This underscores the financial struggles of many Filipinos, revealing shortcomings in the education system’s preparation for financial challenges.
Robert Kiyosaki, in “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” asserts that the education system often produces poor individuals by emphasizing employment rather than investment. He criticizes the “rat race” lifestyle of those who work solely to pay bills. To escape this cycle, Kiyosaki advocates for financial literacy, investing, accounting, tax, and law to be integral parts of basic education.
The proposal suggests aligning school subjects with core competencies such as financial skills, emphasizing that education should develop investors and entrepreneurs, not just employees. Capitalism’s success, according to this perspective, lies in creating investors who generate wealth and jobs, thereby strengthening individuals and the country financially.
However, it acknowledges that these ideas are speculative and suggest potential upgrades to educational standards, not definitive solutions to poverty. The text prompts a consideration of whether such changes could prevent citizens from entering the “rat race” and contribute to the rise of wealth in the country. Until implemented, the outcome remains uncertain.