The recently issued Department of Education Order “No Homeworks on Fridays or Weekends” created various reactions from parents, teachers, public and private schools.
Whether weekdays or weekends, giving of assignments is an important part of the lesson plan. Like any subject areas, giving of homeworks or assignments in mathematics, the teachers must see to it that thinking skills of the students will be developed.
High level questions call for higher-order thinking abilities, “Why or How” questions require analysis of observation. The conclusion is arrived at after weighing evidence or establishing a pattern out of recorded tabulation of data.
Here are some tips of giving homeworks, assignments or projects in mathematics, weekends or not.
1. Every question must be properly motivated. Students should understand the reason for the assignment or homework.
2. It must be a follow-up or application.
3. Materials and references for the assignments must be available.
4. It must be develop lifetime mathematical skills.
5. It must have reasonable time frame.
6. It should not appear as punishment.
7. Assesment and grading must be fair.
8. Must arouse the interest of the students.
9. It can be individual or group.
1. They serve as trainings for principles in life.
2. They must be useful, purposeful, interesting and reasonable.
3. Must be low-cost and availability of materials should be considered.
4. Must be values-oriented like tidiness, industry, self-industry and self-esteem.
5. Process of making the project must be clearly explained. The kind of questions we construct, determine the level of thinking we develop in m,athematics.
By: Ms.Yolanda Basi -MT I- HNHS