As teacher’s we are not free from having pupils with disciplinary problems. Yearin and year out, we will have in our classes those children who will test our ability as “real” teachers who can handle them and not lose our temper.Gone were the days when corporal punishment could be resorted to by the teachers. Cruel punishment, whether in action or words can put teacher out of his or her job or even in jail. But should we just ignore these pupils right away? The answer is no. A teacher must exert effort to correct these pupils with problems?Schimmels offered the following secrets on how to change for the better the pupils with disciplinary problems:
1. Acknowledgement the pupil’s existence. Just take time to stop and say “I am really happy, you are my pupil.”
2. Give the children responsibility. Pupils find distinction in their chores. Do not be afraid to trust them with serious responsibilities.
3. Use praise judiciously. If a child deserves a good words for something he or she has done, then give, it to him/her promptly and sincerely.
4. Learn to like your child. Do not say you love him/her rather say, “I like you”. Develop an avenue with permits friendly rapport. Also, develop lines of communication with children, so nobody will feel awkward about being in each other’s presence.
5. Do not feel that you have to provide conscience for your pupil. He or she probably has one. If the child feels guilty about something he or she has done, there is no need for you to further comments. Many children do act willing fully for which child has to experiment to find his or her own boundaries. Most of us know the feeling of uttering something for which we are immediately sorry. The above-mentioned suggestions are given to correct pupils with disciplinary problems in order to become good or better children. A child who commits an infraction of the school rules and regulations must not be ostracized; he or she must be helped to become a normal child
REFERENCES:Schimmels, cliff. How To Help Your Child Survive in Public Schools. New Jersey: Fleming H. Rewell, 1982
By: Mrs. Eden Rubiano | Tomas Pinpin Memorial Elementary School | Abucay Bataan