Bullying is presently a hot issue. It has tossed parents as well as school personnel from their seats.
The department of education plays a vital role in connection with the Anti-Bullying Act and continuously monitoring violence against bullying through the implementation Child Protection Policy. DepEd strongly adheres to its stand that bullying is far ahead from tolerating such behavior.
Based on studies, bullying roots from attention deficit due to socio-economic status and family background of school children. Teachers being the immediate and direct authorities who are directly faced with children during school hours, must give immediate actions to bullying pupils by giving them proper guidance and a heart to heart talk. The teacher should let the bully feel his belongingness so that he would refrain from soliciting attention through wrong deeds.
The teacher must also be the role model that she doesn’t speak harsh words neither tag names and definitely doesn’t practice corporal punishment. A teacher and a second parent, he should never get tired of explaining to a child the pros and cons of misbehavior.
It can be handled further if a teacher builds a wholesome and intimate interrelationship among pupils. The teacher can make moves to let each child feel he is a God’s gift and must not engage in bullying.
Bullied pupils must then at once confide to school authorities what they are going through so that school personnel can provide immediate and proper guidance in counseling.
At the end, the teacher must be vigilant with all of his pupils’ behavior.
By: MS. MEREDITH D. ORTEGA | Teacher III | Mabatang Elementary School, Abucay, Bataan