The low achievement scores of Filipino students is a sign of having poor quality of basic education in our country .It  is reflected in the many of our students  students who finish basic education  because they do not possess sufficient mastery of basic competencies.  Students do not get adequate instructional time or time on task. This quality of education is reflected in the inadequate preparation of high school graduates for the world of work or entrepreneurship or higher education. High school graduates also do not possess the basic competencies or emotional maturity essential for the world of work.


With the  The enhanced K-12 program of DepEd  , the basic and secondary education curriculum by adding two more years to the system is very timely. The program starts in school year 2012-2013 for Grade 1 and first year high school students with the target of full implementation by SY 2018-2019 which is considered as the preferred education solutions provider, the Philippine is the last country in Asia and one of only three countries in the world with a 10-year pre-university program.


And with this new program, Better opportunities and Mastery for all Filipinos will be evident. We can now compete with other foreign countries and our Country will not be left behind because K-12 Program of the DepEd will be the stairways to our SUCCESS in the near future.


By: Arnel O. Larman | Teacher III | Pablo Roman National High School | Pilar, Bataan

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