The educational system we have here in the country pursues the achievement of excellent undergraduates in the elementary and secondary level. In regards to this, the Department of Education pronounces the addition of two more years in the basic education of students, which according to them will benefit not only the Filipino youth but all the Filipinos in the Philippines.

K-12 proposal is a part of President Aquino’s Educational Reform Program. The present administration asserts that with the implementation of such program, the problem of unemployment in the country will be resolved. More so, this does not only responds to the concerns with regards to employment here in the Philippines, but also to the fact that most countries in the world already have the same plan in their educational institutions. With this, the standards of these countries go a notch higher than what the country has, thus, creating an expansion in the global competency. What can be really said about this plan?

While public’s feedback is divided, where some are in favor and some are not, there are several issues that point out to the aggression of opposing groups which also needs to be consider and attend to. Take for instance some of these issues: lack of school and classrooms in different parts of the country; a shortage of educators in schools that mold the minds of learners; lack of accessibility in books and other school supplies. All of this clearly manifests the scarcity in the public schools in the country.

There is nothing wrong in aiming for something higher and that is what the government attempts to accomplish. But for this to happen, one must carry out certain actions to achieve the goal. However, the administration also ought to realize and clearly understand what the educational system in the Philippines needs to develop primarily. The mentioned issues above are only a few elements that entailed to be resolved. At some point, the Philippines cannot go ahead unless the concerns are faced and the difficulties are completely solved. There are a lot to be done to improve the competency of the youth. The government does not need to gaze from afar.


Reference: Virnads

By: MS. DIONICIA S. BALMACEDA | Teacher II | Sto. Domingo Elementary School, Orion, Bataan

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