Our educational system gives emphasis on reading for it is a tool through which other information can be learned. Reading enriches one’s vocabulary, improves comprehension skill and makes a person aware of the things around him. Various methods have been developed to teach reading and yet, no single method is proven best for all children. Undeniably, the teacher plays a vital role in teaching reading. Teachers aim of making reading be a habit among his pupils for it will benefit them a lot. A reading corner is provided in each classroom to accomplish this aim. But teachers must see to it that the pupils perceive reading as an exciting and joyful experience. Pupils must develop love for reading instead of hatred. Make them not feel that they are oblige to understand what they are reading; that they need to know the meaning of unfamiliar words, for these may kill their interest towards reading. A pupil may be able to understand unfamiliar word without using the dictionary by means of context clues. He may be able to get the concept of such word if it is repeatedly used in the reading material, thereby improving comprehension skill. Let them read a lot of books only for pleasure. Questions should not be asked to determine whether they understand or not what they read. Give them the freedom to choose the story or selection they want to read. Allow them to discontinue reading a particular selection if it doesn’t appeal them and to finish it if it is satisfying to them. But the teacher must provide books that are appropriate to his pupils’ age and understanding. Through these, pupils will enjoy reading and develop love for it.







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