Many claim that computer is the greatest inventions on earth, especially to teachers and students. In fact, students and teachers are encouraged to use video lessons and other information and communication technologies to keep abreast with the fast-moving world.
Technologies and inventions have revolutionized the modern era. Millions of people go online to exchange electronic mails (emails) and instant messages.
Different individuals are one saying that computer and other technologies are a great help to both teachers and students. Indeed, technologies are a must for raising the students’ academic performance level. One modern invention that can be considered as a boon is the computer. First and foremost is the Microsoft program, it enables the students to do their projects, assignments/home works accurately, neatly and legibly. Various fonts and designs help the students display their assignment impressively; in fact, they can type letters, reports, compositions, feature writings and all the different journalistic articles and creative writings. They can sent colorful graphs, diagrams and charts via this program.
In addition, they can check words with wrong spellings check and identify errors in grammar. Check on the structure of words like synonyms and antonyms.
The Microsoft PowerPoint is equally helpful to students and teachers in presenting a report in class, seminars, conference or trainings with visually significant graphic designs.
Teachers and students are mostly glued to the screen just to log on line, what a better way to earn friends than the Facebook, provided they will not upload questionable photos. They surf the worldwide web (www), indulge in chat groups, and witness the news globally. Now, we can be informed with the smallest and remotest issue in the world. While students are benefited by these technologies we must also consider that they can be also innocent targets of exploitation and harassments; therefore, parents must be aware of the activities of their children to help and guide them in the proper use of time and technology; although, many parents are zero knowledge when it comes to technology especially computer use, at least, they can monitor/track their childrens’ activities.
By: Mrs. Victoria H. Laqui | Teacher III | Samal North Elementary School