In the field of educational system, school administrators are quite confused in how to bring out the best in their teachers.
But the questions commonly asked by school administrators especially the new ones are: How do we encourage our teachers to teach better and be more an creative? How can we stimulate our teachers to be more productive?
In the field of school administration, a teacher becomes more inspired and active if the principal recognizes and applauds his good work. In short, teachers become inspired to teach if they are personally motivated by their principals.
Motivation means a lot for teacher’s productivity in the school. It is motivation that enables a teacher to carry out some activities. If a person’s level of motivation is too low, he or she may give up quickly. On the contrary, if a teacher is given a high level of motivation, it may cause him stress and distraction that he cannot focus well on his teaching.
As a leader-motivator, the school administrator should design system that will reinforce the enthusiasm of a teacher to teach better. In doing this, the principal should give the teacher a touch of love and a heart to understand and face with a smile.
Again, the school administrator motivating their teachers must be their top priority.
By: Raquel P. Quimson | Teacher III | Nagbalayong High School | Morong, Bataan