Orion conducted the very first CBMS Barangay Validation Workshop in Bataan with the presence of foreign delegations from Asia and Africa. CBMS or Community Based-Monitoring System viewed by the current dispensation as a tool to accurately know the real poverty situation in the barangay through household survey had its first validation workshop in Brgy Bilolo last November 20, 2006. The well-attended event aims to present the finding of the CBMS survey conducted last May 3-6, 2006, and solicit community’s feedback at the same time. The system uses 13+1 indicators and solicits location specific information.
The validation exercise is the very first among the 11 municipalities and one city implementing the CBMS in Bataan. It also serve a the showcase to the study tour conducted by the CBMS Philippines for the delegations from Indonesia, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Lao PDR, Cambodia, Ghana, Tanzania, Senegal and Benin who will soon be implementing the CBMS in their respective countries.
The event coincide with the localization of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) where Orion hopes integrate an MDGs responsive development plan in both the barangay and municipal level.