Parents are their children’s first and most important teacher. They play a crucial role in every stage of childhood and can play a positive role in getting the best in education.  
At home, parents are responsible for:
Establishing high expectations for their children
Impressing upon children the importance of hard work and their responsibility for learning
Creating a home environment that supports learning, including:

→    Letting children know that school is important and that they take it seriously
→    Providing a quiet place at home for study
→    Making sure their children do their homework and do it well
→    Turning off the TV until homework is done
→    Reading to their children—or having their children read to them
→    Talking to their children about schoolwork and current events
→    Seeing to it that their children are prepared for school each day
→    Reviewing the rules and discussing them with their children
→    Teaching children respect for others and common courtesy, and expecting them to demonstrate these qualities at home and in all public places

At school, parents are responsible for:
Developing positive working relationships with their children’s teachers and school staff by:
Participating in parent-teacher conferences to learn about their child’s performance and the curriculum the class will be expected to learn
Letting the teacher or school staff know if their child is having difficulty at home or in school and asking for extra help when they think their child needs it
Cooperating with the school in trying to resolve problems
Attending school functions to get to know the people important to their children’s success
Attending school and district discussions about important educational issues
Becoming informed about school issues such as school board elections, levy campaigns, curriculum expectations, and graduation and promotion standards

Parents play a great role in their children’s education because the learning that is started at home is strengthened in school, and when their children go home, parents should follow-up what is learned in school so that there is continuity of learning.  While teachers generally work hard and make a great difference, they cannot be expected to educate these children on their own.  They must do their part in order to reach their full potential.  
Parents have to support their children’s involvement in all activities in school.  They have to guide and assist them in all their projects and assignments.  Attendance in all school meetings, recognition day, and all other school activities help develop self-confidence in their children because through these, their children will realize that their parents, value them above other things, and that will encourage them to excel in everything they do just so their parents will always be proud of them and their achievements.

By: Julieta Q. Pangilinan | Teacher III | Orion Elementary School | Orion, Bataan

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