Man grows in excellence in the family, he matures in excellence in his profession.
Civic responsibility evokes images of professional work, service, perfection, common good, solidarity and love. Hence, civic responsibility is the duty to carry out excellently our part in the building of a community with common aspirations towards development and social progress.
A school administrator, a teacher, a student, a school janitor, a farmer, an artist, a business executive, a soldier- each one has a specific profession and workplace through which and by which he declares his productive contribution to national building.
Professional work is our channel to build society, using our own natural endowments. We have a great responsibility to study. Professionalism, therefore, is the code of conduct by which we declare ourselves, by which we carry ourselves in our work, we cannot produce excellent work without being excellent professionals: living punctuality, living order, living cheerfulness, living magnanimity, living hard work with constancy and virtues, little by little, more and more each time, amidst occasional failures but always rising again.
Professionalism in teaching entails civic responsibility. It permeates parents involvement if the school, through concrete interventions, helps the parents realize more and more the delicateness and gravity if their direct and personal responsibility towards the education of their children.
By: Bernadette M. Medina, T-I, Gen. Lim Elem. School