The school is a major social institution. As an organization, it fulfills its function through management of different resources. In the school set-up, the school heads, the leader of the organization, must act as managers and must work within or outside their organization that can help achieve their goals and are expected to perform the following task or functions for school organization to work effectively.
1. Managers act as channels of communications of the organization. They provide necessary networking mechanism for everyone.2. Managers as decision maker. They are expected to draw a positive solution to difficult problems.3. Managers as mediators. Dispute and misunderstanding within the organization can lower morale and productivity. School heads must act quickly before it gets out of hand.4. Mangers as politicians. They build relationship and use of persuasion and compromises to promote organizational goal.5. Managers as diplomats. They may represent the active organization as well as school unit in dealing with stakeholders.6. Managers as acrobats. They balance competing goals and prioritize. 7. Managers as analyzer. They must able to break a problem down to its components and come up with a feasible solution.8. Managers are symbols. They personify the organization and its members. They may be held responsible for the success or failure and for things which they have little or no control.
By: Frederick Y. Simbol | Principal II | Antonio G. Llamas Elementary School | Mariveles, Bataan