- Behavior of Superiors
Leader behavior aimed at nurturing friendly, warm working relationships, as well as encouraging mutual trust and interpersonal respect within the work unit. The behavior of superiors is one of the most factors in the success of the organization. A good superior is someone who understands the people that work for them. He must have a fair judgment, and applies consistent rule, responsive and committed, appreciative of the efforts of others, organized, focused and competent. Thus, the leader with this superior will be motivated to work positively.
Requirements of the Tasks
Leaders deal not only with the work but also with his superiors and subordinates. A leader with clear understanding of the requirements of the tasks vested upon him will find it easy to finish the task efficiently and effectively. On the other hand, a leader who has no knowledge of how to comply with the requirements of the tasks will be a burden to subordinates for he will pass his load to them. A leader, therefore, who knows how to fulfill his tasks is well respected and is effective.
Subordinates’ Characters, Expectations and Behaviors
If you are a good follower you will be an effective leader. The skills that make for good followers also make for good leaders. If you focus on the goals to be achieved and are motivated, you will be a good follower and perhaps, even a good leader. And so, a leader who knows his followers’ differences and can identify their needs is a positive role model and an effective leader.
By: MS. MARISOL M. DE LEON | Master Teacher I | Orion Elementary School, Orion, Bataan