The most precious moment in the life of a teacher is that which is spent in the classroom teachers find difficulty in motivating and arousing the interest of the pupils in order for them to be ready and engage in the discussion. There are so many ways, techniques and strategies on how is a best way to start the daily activities – the storytelling.


The primary object of storytelling is to promote love for reading. But if you allow the pupils to participate and involve while listening in a story then you will not only develop the listening skills but also the urge to read more. So in order to have a successful storytelling session, the following strategies should be given considerations. First, make stories look and sound interesting. That is, use lively storytelling sessions, not just plain reading aloud. Second make stories relevant to different subject areas. In here, the teacher should create varying activities involving multiple intelligence linked to different subject areas. Lastly, utilize/minimize the children’s nature energy, enthusiasm and instructiveness.  With these strategies, the children will not only be motivated also these will provide them intellectual and emotional development.










By: Ester J. Gaddi | Master Teacher I | Dinalupihan Elementary School | Dinalupihan, Bataan

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