Teachers play a vital role in the educational program of every child. He is not only a “dispenser of knowledge” so to speak. He must be a model to the pupils, an inspirer to everyone, a motivator of learning, and parent to the learners in the school.
Teachers have legal-moral leadership. It is important that teachers grow in knowledge, skills and values as they carry out their responsibilities and obligations specified in the educational laws and norms in the system. The teacher who has a grasp of the pertinent laws and who possesses integrity will most likely be successful in effectively influencing learners to learn and live morally.
Teachers teach students how to learn, how to work and live with others. They can do so effectively by showing their students how, by example and guiding them to identify good role models.
By: Ms. Ma. Clarissa L. Nacpil | Teacher III | Orion Elementary School | Orion, Bataan