No two people are alike. Each individual in in the classroom should be treated differently. They have different learning style that teachers should take into consideration. The methods of teaching should be suitable to their needs and interest. Despite of modernization in teaching using high-tech gadgets, the teachers must plan carefully on how to impart knowledge to the students. Being creative among teachers should be developed. Creativity brings “life” to teaching – learning condition. However, it should depend on how well you know the students.
It might beancient ABC’s to the teachers but these can be a reminder:
Ask the students what are the things they want in to become in the future.
Be sure to listen to every single important detail that they willentrust.
Compare the information of the students and see how different they are with one another.
Determine their strengths and weaknesses.
Experiment on different teaching –learning style as much as possible.
Find out more about their life in school and at home.
Get enough information about them from the community.
Help them in any way you can be it in emotional, physical, social or financial problem.
Impart all the possible knowledge and skills you have as a teacher.
Justify that everything you do at school if for their own benefits.
Kindness and strictness can be combined to gain their respect.
Love them as your own child.
Make them believe in their own talents and skills.
Notify them if they commit mistakes and correct it.
Open communication should be observed before, during, and after the class.
Prepare the lessons, materials activities suited to them.
Question them about the lesson and let them question you as well.
Recognize their achievements whether great or small.
Support their ideas, plans and projects if needed.
Teach them to be a responsible child, students, and citizen.
Utilize all available resources for a deep understanding and learning in the classroom.
Value them not just as a student but as a human being.
Widen their horizon in facing the world.
X-mark all their negatives and focus on their positive sides.
Yearn for their interest in you and your subject.
Zoomeven the smallest idea that the learners might have.
It might be difficult to others but as long as there is deep for the welfare of the students, these can be easy.
By: Ms. Mildred V.Nichols | Teacher II | Mariveles National High School- Poblacion