B. Camacho National High School
Teacher III
Classroom management is a term used by teacher to describe the process of ensuring that classroom lesson run smoothly despite disruptive by students . The term also implies the prevention of disruptive behavior. It is also one of the greatest concerns of any teacher. This is especially true when teaching in high school . In the paragraph that follows it is my greatest hope that I will empower you as a teacher with some powerful tools that will improve your classroom management After all teaching and learning really should and can be fun.
The foundation of classroom management is the relationship that you develop between yourself and the students. The best way to develop a good relation ship with student is to follow this three rules.
1) Treat your students with respect
2) Respond to misbehavior quickly
3) Be consistent with your expectation and consequences.
As a teacher you must also develop a healthy relationship with parents . You do not want parents to be on the defense. I suggest you make sure the contact each and every parent in the first month of the school It will take you long to identify the students who have trouble making good decision. Contact those parent in the first week or two of school . A positive phone call and set up conference to make a plan about their childs’ behavior.
Building a healthy relationship with both student and parents will greatly enhance your ability to have a classroom management these are few of the tools that I would suggest you include for effective classroom management.
1. Group work or cooperative learning is a valuable model of teaching.
2. Be careful about high school students out to go to the restroom.
3. Your first line of preventive discipline is facial expression , gesture , eye contact and physical proximity.
By: Gregorio B. Castro