The K to 12 Basic Education Program requires all students to enroll in Kindergarten first before primary grades and two more years in the secondary level before pursuing any degree in college. This education reform of Aquino administration has aroused various reactions particularly from affected parents. They complain of the financial crisis for they have to shell out more money for allowances and school materials for additional years. Besides, many are suspicious of the readiness of this educational change because of inadequacies of classrooms, equipments, error free textbooks and qualified teachers. With all the issues that the K + 12 Program is facing, it is essential that the Philippine government and Department of Education find solution despite of various contradiction on order to enhance the quality of education. This basic education program gives students more to master competencies and skills. There will be no more congested curriculum crammed into ten years. They could now acquire adequate instructional time to master the skills allotted for each level. It prepares graduates with skills essential to the world of work. Filipino graduates could now be recognized as professionals in other countries for our system of education is the same as theirs. Our engineers, architects, teachers, doctors and others are not automatically recognized as professionals abroad. Thus, they are hired to lower job status due to our not having a 12 – year basic education cycle.Graduates will be able to earn higher wages and/or better prepared to start their business. They will have recognized certificates equivalent to a two-year college. In this case, it will help parents free of the burden to spend for college just to make their children employable. There may be lot of factors to consider for the K + 12 program to succeed. But as long as the implementation of this change will be managed well and be taken in positive wax by all concerns. We will definitely attain over most aspired educational standards which will play a great role in our country’s development and will therefore uplift as from poverty.

By: Elizabeth L. Rodriguez | Teacher III | Samal North Elementary School Samal, Bataan

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