Teacher must be a leader who can inspire and influence students  This teacher knows his subject well and is kind and respectful toward his students. He also has high standards and expectations coexisting with encouragement, support, and flexibility. This teacher empowers students and gets them to do things of which they did not think they were capable. This teacher has students who surpass him.

The effective teacher models enthusiasm not only for his subject but also for teaching and learning in general. By showing a positive attitude, excitement, and passion, the effective teacher makes it clear to his students that he would prefer to value their craft and project and  their presence.

The effective teacher keeps students at a healthy relationship, continuous reflection,  heemploys greater objectivity in her ability to balance the needs of individuals with the needs of the class as a whole. This allows the teacher apply innovative approaches.









By: Arnel O. Larman | Teacher III | Pablo Roman National High School | Pilar, Bataan

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