A- Good day to learn about the world.
B- elieve in your abilities.You can do and learn new things.
C- ooperate with your group. Do your part and share your opinions and ideas.
D- o your work scientifically ang logically.
E- engage in scientific skills and observing,comparing,calculating,thinking and analyzing.
F- oster a sense of responsibility.Accept duties cheerfull.
G- o and search the world. Serendipities will come along the way.
H- ave faith in yourself, you can achieve what you really want in life.
I- n every minute,hour or second,work on until you finally arrive to the truth.
J- ustify whatever generalizations you arrive at.
K- now the importance of the universe,and your self worth to humanity.
L- ove your life and follow your dreams,work to achieve it.
M- ove on and continue searching,try until you succeed.
N- evrely on hearsays. Don’t jump into hasty conclusions.
O- ften make yourself aware of everything around you. Be responsive.
P- reserve and discover the mystery of the world of science.
Q- uit the wrong habits,develop the scientific attitude.
R- ealize the importance of being analytic and logical in your reasoning.
S- ystematize and organize work to achieve your goals.
T- reasure the time,talents and everything God has given you.
U- uravel the mysteries of science through discoveries and innovations.
V- enture into the world of experimentations and you’ll verify result positively.
W- hat you want is up to you,but what you do scientifically is a manisfestation of what you want in life.
X- cellence,work your way to the apex and you’11 reap your rewards.
Y- Ield to be recognized. Always aim high.
Z- eal yourself with love,dedication and determination,in your guiding keys to unravel the mysteries world of Science.
By: Mrs. Michelle R. Somo | Teacher I Capunitan Elementary School