When you are in and Educational system , you must be an agent of change .In this World there is no permanent thing except the word CHANGE. Therefor as we enter in the computer age , the traditional teacher must transform itself according to the needs of his students. To make your pupils be l successful and can go with the fast trend of changes a teacher must needs to learn more.
As we entering to the Globally Competitive World of Computers, A teacher must be a flexible,able to adopt himself to the different trends not for him and his students to be left behind.
It is just like simple Narda when her service is needed she must swallow the stone and transform into “ Darna”. Just like a teacher whatever the needs of his students he must always be ready because if he didi not transform into a better one most of his students will be left behind.
By: MS. MEREDITH D. ORTEGA | Teacher III | Mabatang Elementary School, Abucay, Bataan