With the thrust of the Department of Education (DepED) to develop a citizenry who are technologically at far with other developed and developing nations, it is also equated to have educators who are capable of using innovations brought about by the advancement of Science.
Information and Communication Technology is a tool that helps Science teachers “sell their goods” to their learners. The use of ICT in teaching methodology contributes to positive student learning outcomes if properly utilized inside the classroom. The effectiveness of this teaching tool lies in the hand of educators who will implement and instruct students on its use. Thus, the classroom managers must be equipped with the proper knowledge how to manipulate these products of technological advancements.
Quality and effective instruction means quality education. Students’ achievements are products of effective methods, innovative teaching materials and teachers’ competency. It is the vital role of administrators to provide teachers with appropriate equipment and facilities that will be used as a tool for the improvement of teaching practices. Investments in these equipment will not be in vain. The return of investment (ROI) will be very fast and tangible for an assured globally competitive graduates will be produced by the institution.
The use of audio visual aids, film, video and now the powerful and borderless information highway called internet has transformed education and teaching techniques, rising the need for new skills especially the ability to process, test and interpret information.
As a teaching tool, it is the most effective and powerful device. Harnessing the power of technology to bridge the gap between teachers and learners towards effective educative process should not be an option but a must for modern education.
By: Mrs. Joan J. Quiroz | Lamao National High School