Teaching profession is a noble task. Noble in the sense that being a teacher, you play different roles: a molder, a mentor and a parent to young children.

Here are some ways to help you to become an effective mentor.


  1. Focus on what you can give to young children and not what you can get out of being an educator.

Never use your profession just to earn a lot of money.

  1. Position shouldn’t destroy your willingness to educate pupils.

Having different position makes educators compete each other.

  1. Be a good leader and a good follower in profession.

Inspire the young to work heartedly and be happy for what you achieved.

  1. Aim high, grow and be competent.

Lift up yourself, study and earned knowledge for you and for the learners.

  1. Be there for the people.

If feel that someone need your help as an adviser or as a parent, be there to support and console anyone.

  1. Be willing to mold and educate one’s mind.

Try to understand individual differences and let anyone develop their talents for the better.

  1. Learn to accept the ups and down of your career.

No one is perfect. Try to learn from your experience. Be strong.

  1. Don’t try to put everything in your hand.

Learn to accept the truth that learners have their own minds. Don’t dominate them or threaten just to study.
















By: Celia A. David | Teacher III | Bacong Elementary School | Limay, Bataan

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