How do you manage your time? What do you usually do in order to make sure that your time is spent meaningfully? Are you aware of the so called”time management”? Time Management – It hang heavy for the bored, eludes the busy, flies by for the young and runs out for the aged.
Most of us work harder than we have to in order to reap the benefits life has to offer. When that thought first crossed my mind, I began to focus on the question: “How can I get the greatest return on my investment of time and energy? My research has proved fruits and for several years I have been conducting seminar on how people can make the most of their time and effort.
We can accomplish more with less effort if we schedule important tasks each time of the day thus we perform them more effectively.
We can discover our best time for a given task through trial and error. When I began writing, I tried picking up pencil at various times. I found that in the morning my ideas were good, but I had trouble getting them on paper; early afternoon was my period of highest writing productivity.
So now, I think about the topics I want to cover in the morning, then jot down my ideas and put them aside until early afternoon, and then I wrote them out fully. This is how I manage my time, which proved to be so effective to me in terms of the outputs that I made each day.
What about you? How do you manage your time? Let us learn to be a good manager of our time for a more productive life ahead!
By: Ms. Jacqueline G. Canlas | Pablo Roman National High School | Panilao Pilar, Bataan