In the field of human endeavor, there could be no greater work than that of a teacher. The teacher plays an important role in the desired transformation and improvement of the Filipino people. As such, he is expected to transmit knowledge and thus produce a literate citizenry, he must also develop critical thinking, serve as custodian of the young, and more importantly build character.

Teachers are the key agents through which educational plans are achieved. Their responsibility is as heavy as the entire educational goals and societies’ ideals and aspirations. The teacher’s role is so significant that many studies have been conducted exploring his behavior and motivation in his work.

It becomes an inspiration, therefore, to maintain a system of motivation to ensure the teachers commitment to carry out with zealous devotion their responsibility of educating the youth. They are directly responsible for quality education, dissemination of knowledge and development of sound attitudes and values of school clientele.

The recent issues about teachers strike , protest and post turnovers are strong indicators that dissatisfaction had invaded the world of pedagogy – an evidence that the teachers are human. They too, have to respond to the demand of their personal welfare which is at present undoubtedly jeopardized. It would be well to remember that the most people work predominantly , not in the pursuit of personal glory, but in order to live at least with some degree of responsibility and dignity. People have joined the teaching force because they believed that aside from contributing to the realization of fundamental aims of education, they also have to satisfy their personal needs.

Teaching can be both rewarding and frustrating. Rewarding in the sense that the teachers have the greatest opportunity of touching the lives of the people; of engaging in a variety of activities, and of contributing to the well being of society. Frustrating- because on the top of the heavy work load in school, teachers are also expected to perform other duties which take most of their time which should be devoted for lesson planning and for the improvement of their instructional materials. Moreover, society expects teachers to live a life that is dignified and beyond reproach. But, in return society has done very little to promote the well being of teachers.

Researchers suggest that the quality of work of teachers in school is a product of the interaction of several factors such as values, attitudes, beliefs, and satisfaction of workers).

In all organizations, the employees are characterized by their work values. Their work values are the perception toward their work in general that is – the employees themselves, management practices, outside facets and even state of communication. It is concerned as an influential factor in job performance. It is the goal, vision which motivates man to action. The level of success of certain productivity and motivation technique, therefore, depends upon the work values of the individual.

Faculty members should be made to feel more satisfied in order to give more to their teaching function. They need involvement in their own professional development and this must be supplemented by a promotion policy and at the same time schools must create new opportunities. Teaching connotes that the instructions can influence the values of their students, since values realization is an educative process involving people.

By: Mrs. Acelyn M. Aparilla | Teacher II | Orion Elementary School | Orion Bataan

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