The teacher is the key person in the development of human resource in the school system. The success or failure in the school children largely depends upon the teachers ‘ effectiveness as they play their important roles in providing better quality outputs. In the performance of their functions as youth builders, it is quite necessary to take account whatever influence their value system. In the present school system , understanding of the teachers work values should be given considerable attention . This maybe done by laying their foundation of values at work, identifying the aims as teachers and devising better diagnostic procedure to accomplish management goals. It is because the teachers who are successful in attaining the teaching and learning outcomes are the ones who first modify the perceptions concerning the self-concept of work values. Since, the value system of individual plays major role in his behavior particularly in the working process. A person’s value determines to a large extent which he has done in his work. Some teachers fail to realize the extent to which their values and disposition affect the class. It becomes an inspiration, therefore, to maintain a system of motivation to ensure the teachers commitment to carry out with zealous devotion their responsibility of educating the youth. The quality of work of teachers in school is a product of the interaction of several factors such as values, attitudes, beliefs, and job satisfaction. Faculty members should be made to feel satisfied in order to utilize more their energy to teaching function. They need involvement in their own professional development and this must be supplemented by a promotion policy and at the same time schools must create new opportunities. Teaching connotes that the instructions can influence the values of their students, since values realization an educative process involving people. Knowledge of the teachers’ work values and job satisfaction may provide a clear direction to the school administrators and policy makers in identifying school programs and activities. This will contribute to the teachers teaching effectiveness and build a trusting and creative atmosphere, that is conducive to the attainment of the goals of the organization. This will also help the school administrators bring to light some of the problems and needs of the teacher which are important in minimizing teachers burn-out. Teachers will perform better, exhibit positive attitudes and would be more enthusiastic in helping students and will inculcate desirable values among the learners. They will also help in the attainment of educational goal to develop the students into worthy and responsible citizens of the Philippines.
By: Elizabeth L. Rodriguez | Teacher III | Samal North Elementary School Samal, Bataan