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The Crucial Impact of a Positive Human Environment on Teaching and Learning

Changes in behavior are mostly influenced by circumstances and a person’s surroundings greatly influence their behavior. Student experiences are greatly influenced by the human environment which has a significant impact on teaching and learning. An optimal learning atmosphere is established when students view their classrooms as encouraging and safe places where they can feel harmless, continue reading : The Crucial Impact of a Positive Human Environment on Teaching and Learning


after the pandemic ended, a new generation of artists began to emerge. The students are starting to utilize visual arts and digital media art forms to the next level. Owing to the technology advancements, everyone now has the chance to validate their thoughts, to be understood with in their own perspective and ideas and to continue reading : THE NEW GENERATION OF ARTISTS


from an innocent-looking eyes. Offering an open hand, an act of service for someone to feel determined and motivated. The series of slow nod of the head which may serve as a signal for someone who needs affirmation that someone truly cares, listening and paying attention. A high five to which serves as a response continue reading : THE POWER OF A SIMPLE GESTURES


Even in the older times, the Teaching Profession has been regarded with highest respect among the highly respected professions. Thus, banking on the premise…” there will be no other profession born, without the valuable aide of the heroes and heroines of the four corners of the classrooms…The Teachers themselves!       Over the years, both of continue reading : THE TEACHER THAT I AM


I am convinced that, almost all teachers must have gone through a phase along their journey in teaching wherein they raised questions to themselves as: Admittedly, this world can have this world full of doctors, engineers, teachers, business entrepreneurs and other white-collar jobs on hand.Some must play the role of janitors, carpenters, messengers, garbage collectors continue reading : SPEAKING MY MIND


For a working individual, work and life are two sides of the same coin. The stability of each is constantly pursued. While the balance between the two stands as the pinnacle of a professional’s dreams, it is one of the secret formulas to success. For students, there are academics and extracurricular activities. The latter is continue reading : FOCUS AND BURNOUT: A COMPROMISE


              Reading is an important skill. Reading takes us to places. Reading sends us back in time.             All these are true, but all are oversimplifications of what the habit of reading is actually capable of. Maybe after knowing the gravity of the crisis of this generation and how reading can potentially revolutionize this age, continue reading : MADE TO CREATE

Dugong Arellanista

“Blood Arellanista” can refer to students, alumni, or supporters of Bataan National High School. This is a call to people who have a deep connection and concern for their school or institution. Alumni teachers are former students of a school who went into the teaching profession after they graduated. They have deep ties to their continue reading : Dugong Arellanista

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Beloved Peninsula (Bataan)

Our province is located in central Luzon in the Philippines. It is known for its deep and colorful history. Bataan is one of the important places in the Philippines because it is where the “Bataan Death March” took place in 1942, where thousands of Filipino and American soldiers were tortured and killed by the Japanese continue reading : Beloved Peninsula (Bataan)