Academic dishonesty in the new normal of education

In the current setting of the world where COVID is still prevalent, a new type of innovative learning is established. In the Philippines most schools conduct online, modular and even blended learning (as COVID cases are slowly decreasing). With this new type of learning, we can see that the education system is on its way continue reading : Academic dishonesty in the new normal of education

Reducing the English anxiety of Filipino learners

English is considered as one of the biggest global language as it is commonly used by different people as means of communication. In the Philippines, English is the second most used language in our country. We use it almost every day as is it used in academic and professional field. Though of course we have continue reading : Reducing the English anxiety of Filipino learners

What is pragmatism and its connection to education?

All students are different with each other. Each has their own interests and each has their own skills. Surely, these students will learn differently as well. Some may be interested in science because they lived with their doctor parents. Some may be interested in arts and music as he may grow up drawing and listening. continue reading : What is pragmatism and its connection to education?

Thriving Under Pressure

Mastering Academic Success in Senior High School 2024 In 2024, the landscape of Senior High School (SHS) education is more demanding than ever. Students face a barrage of challenges: rigorous coursework, high-stakes exams, and the pressure to excel in extracurricular activities. This academic pressure, while a common aspect of the SHS experience, can be overwhelming. continue reading : Thriving Under Pressure

Unmasking Academic Integrity: Navigating the Ethical Maze of Modern Education

In the corridors of academe, a fundamental principle stands as the bedrock of intellectual pursuit, Academic Integrity. Defined by Christine Lee (May 25, 2023) as “the moral code or ethical policy of academia,” academic integrity is the cornerstone upon which scholarly communities are built. It embodies values of honesty, trust, fairness, and responsibility, serving as continue reading : Unmasking Academic Integrity: Navigating the Ethical Maze of Modern Education